Sam’s Point Breeding Bird Surveys

From Jessica Reker, SCA-Americorps Ecosystem Steward and Education Assistant, Minnewaska State Park Preserve – Sam’s Point Area (, (845) 647-7989

I am in need of a volunteer or two for the breeding bird survey this Friday, June 2nd. I currently have no volunteers for Friday. Here is the doodle poll to sign up: Also, in general I am looking for more volunteers to sign up for the surveys. If you know of someone who may be interested in the survey if you could encourage them to think about and sign up for even one survey that would be great. If anyone has contacts with other birding groups or knows of other resources to post in to find more volunteers, please send me the contact information! Thanks for volunteering and your help. Happy Birding!

John Cameron Yrizarry: Art for Conservation

Opening reception and afternoon tea, Tuxedo Park Library, June 16, 4–6 pm

John Cameron Yrizarry—a long-time Tuxedo resident, a graduate of Yale School of Fine Arts, and an enthusiastic birder and nature tour guide—will be displaying key pieces of his artwork featured in books, nature field guides, and posters commissioned by the Wildlife Conservation Society/Bronx Zoo used worldwide by customs agents.

The reception is free and open to all. Register online or call 845-351-2207.

Minnewaska Early Birder Walks 2018

Image from “A popular handbook of the ornithology of eastern North America” (1896), Biodiversity Heritage Library

From Scotty Baldinger, leader of the Minnewaska Early Birder Walks:

I’m pleased to announce the start of another season of scheduled bird walks in Minnewaska State Park.

Please note that starting in July 2018 a series of construction projects in Minnewaska are set to begin. These projects are expected to go for the next 2-3 years. The Wildmere (upper parking) area will be a construction zone and the lower Awosting parking area will be a staging zone for construction vehicles. Once the summer starts and construction projects begin, there is a good chance the Early Birder Walks could be affected. I had a good meeting…with park management on some possible ideas for us to continue our walks once the work begins. These will be taken under consideration and management will notify me if we will have the possibility of continuing the walks for the July through October part of the program.

The Early Birder Walks for the months of April, May, and June will continue on same schedule as years past. We will have a walk every Tuesday (weather permitting), meeting at the main entrance to the park off Route 44/55 at 8 am (April and May) and 7 am for the month of June.

Looking forward to another great season at the Big M!

Good birding!