Board of Directors
President: Joyce Depew
Vice President: open position
Treasurer: Linda Strohl
Secretary: Johanna Bloomfield
Chair of Outings: Bob Slechta
Program Chair: open position
Membership Chair: Della Wells
Christmas Bird Count Coordinator/Compiler: Karen Miller

If you have general questions about the club or this website, please send an email to mearnsbirdclub@gmail.com.
For information about our speakers program, please contact us at mearnsbirdclub@gmail.com.
For questions about the Mearns Club email discussion group at Groups.io, please send an email to the club email address.
To join the club, please fill out a membership form and mail it—along with a check made payable to E. A. Mearns Bird Club—to the club treasurer: Linda Strohl, 8 Park Road, Salisbury Mills, NY 12577. Annual dues are $20 for an individual membership, $30 for a family membership, and $8 for a student membership.
Dues-paying members can participate the club’s WhatsApp bird alert system to be notified about rare or uncommon birds in the area (Orange, Sullivan, and Ulster counties).
We also welcome you to join our Facebook group.

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