The surface of the country is exceedingly varied, abounding in high mountains with enormous perpendicular cliffs, while large streams flow in the valleys. Lakes, ponds, and brooks are very numerous, affording, as they do, favorite resorts for both migrating and stationary birds. The numerous islands of the Hudson afford choice resting places for migrating flocks of small birds, which prefer to follow, on their long and fatiguing vernal and autumnal journeyings, the course of the river. The whole region is wild, and sparsely inhabited.
—Edgar A. Mearns, A List of the Birds of the Hudson Highlands, with Annotations (1878)
Welcome to the Edgar A. Mearns Bird Club website. We like birds, birders, and birding! If you enjoy watching a Bald Eagle soar over the icy Hudson River, a Great Blue Heron patiently hunting at the edge of a pond, or a Northern Cardinal perched in a snow-covered evergreen, the Mearns Club might be for you. Check us out by attending one of our monthly meetings—or, better yet, join us for a field trip. Although we’re based in Orange County, New York, we venture beyond the county boundaries to explore the Hudson Valley’s diverse birding habitats and to seek out migrating birds. Did you know that more than 300 bird species have been observed in Orange County?
Come explore the birding world with us. We’re certain you’ll enjoy spending time outdoors, experiencing the scenery and all the exciting and enlightening things nature has to offer in the Hudson Valley. You can start with the beautiful images on this website, which were generously shared by Mearns Club members.

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