NY BBA III Breeding Codes: Confirmations

By Julie Hart, Atlas Project Coordinator

What are the different categories of breeding evidence?

The atlas breeding codes fall into four categories or levels: Observed, Possible, Probable, and Confirmed. As you can tell by their names, they range from weak to strong evidence for breeding. Observed and Possible codes indicate that a bird is present, but we don’t have enough evidence to say that they are attempting to breed.

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Let the Atlasing Begin!

From Wendy Tocci and Anne Swaim, Regional Coordinators, Hudson region

The third New York State Breeding Bird Atlas has officially begun! We hope that you will join thousands of other birders in documenting the state’s breeding species over the next five years!

Working together with the Atlas Steering Committee, Atlas Project Coordinator Julie Hart, and a team of regional coordinators, Anne Swaim and I will be coordinating Atlas activities in the Hudson region. I will be the point of contact for Columbia, Ulster, Dutchess, Sullivan and Northern Orange Counties. Anne will be taking responsibility for Westchester, Putnam, Rockland and Southern Orange County.

If you’re interested in learning more you can attend the Breeding Bird Atlas Workshop being held at Hasbrouck Park in Kingston, NY, on Thursday, January 16 from 6 to 8 pm (details here). All are welcome! Because the breeding season of many species starts later in the spring, there will be more Atlas training workshops and other opportunities to learn more about Atlas goals and how atlasing works. *

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International Juried Youth Bird Art Exhibition, Museum of American Bird Art

Owl dreaming © Kai Choat (age 7)

Next year, Mass Audubon’s Museum of American Bird Art (Canton, Massachusetts) will be hosting its fifth annual youth bird art exhibition, Taking Flight. The contest will be accepting submissions from January 15, 2020, through June 15, 2020. For more information, visit the exhibition’s webpage. A flyer is available here.

The goal of this exhibition is to create a greater awareness and appreciation for birds while fostering the development of young artists and sharing their work with the public. The Taking Flight contest is open to young artists age 4 to 18 of all skill levels.

—Mass Audubon