Great Blue Heron, from “Birds that hunt, and are hunted” (1898), Cornell University Library. “Should a number of Herons be present, as is the case during migrations, they may be seen chasing one another, dancing and executing various amusing antics.” —EA Mearns
Stewart State Forest comprises 6,700 acres of mixed wetlands, fields, and forest, and is traversed by 18 miles of gravel roads and more than 22 miles of mixed-use trails. The forest can be accessed at many points, so check out the map available here.
The forest hosts a good assortment of birds, including Ovenbirds and Blue-Winged, Prairie, and Black-throated Green Warblers. Nighthawks have been known to fly over, and Eastern Towhees are abundant. Be sure to check out the new boardwalk that connects the east and west sides of the Great Swamp.
Eastern Towhee. Photo by Alan Wells.
Common Nighthawk. Photo by Bill Fiero.
Chestnut-sided Warbler. Photo by Bill Fiero.
Yellow-rumped Warbler. Photo by Bill Fiero.
Yellow-throated Vireo. Photo by Bill Fiero.
Black-throated Green Warbler. Photo by Alan Wells.
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